Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Art Of Being Catty.

There's an art to being catty. It takes a rare breed to pull it off. And it's what makes those of us who can so appealing. Just look at the catty Dowager Countess of Downton Abbey. All of the other characters are likened to dogs. But only the Countess could be a cat. The instant her witty catty remarks are out of her mouth, her fans can't wait to share them.

I'd like to say that if you want more fans, just be more catty. But it's not that easy. It takes a special kind of wit. You need to be subtle and indirect, otherwise you'll just end up being seen as a female dog, more known as a bitch. 

Just look at the difference in this year's Golden Globe with the biting wit of Tina and Amy compared to the rude insults of Ricky. Even his clever British accent didn't help him. So if you want to add some cattiness to your image, it's best to hang out with a cat and take a lesson from the old masters.

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