Monday, February 25, 2013

Is Marissa Mayer in the doghouse?

From this cat's point of view, she should be. Yes, I agree face-to-face communication and impromptu hallway meetings are certainly a good thing. I too enjoy meaningful face time with my humans every day. But a mandate that Yahoo employees can no longer work virtually - seems rather old-fashioned for a company that lives in the virtual world. 

Ms. Mayer claims speed and quality are sacrificed? Many of my best ideas are conceived at home during bath time. In fact, it's proven that great ideas are developed at this time. And I don't think you want me licking my privates in the office do you? Just look at examples of successful people who prefer to work outside the office, like Richard Branson. He prefers to work in a hammock. Yes, he's got the right idea. To quote the Huffington Post, it looks like Yahoo just took a big chance.

I don't think many Yahoo employees will be yelling 'Yahoo' for this memo. What do you all think?

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